Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Bags are Packed, Ready to Go

Well, not exactly.  But I did load up my back pack to see how everything will fit for the trip I’ll be taking with my daughter and sister next spring.  We are embarking on the Camino de Santiago a 500 mile centuries old trek  across northern Spain. No, we’re not doing 500 miles but at least 100 and now is the time to start training and thinking about what to pack.

I received a txt from my daughter in late winter asking if I had heard of the Camino.  I replied that I read about it in Shirley MacLaine's book several years ago.  She txt back, "I'm in, are you?"  I responded, "Seriously?  Well, sure!"  And then she invited her Aunt, my sister who is a Sister of Mercy to come along. 

After attending a presentation, reading several blogs, Camino forums, and a few books, I am convinced this will be a very inspiring and interesting trip.  It won’t be the normal vacation for sure.  I’m preparing myself for a spiritual journey that will bring greater awareness and maybe some enlightenment.  

But the trip begins way before we set foot  on the airplane. It starts right now as I consider what to pack (my personal baggage) and what to leave behind (all the associated thoughts  and meanings surrounding it) I will carry everything I take  on my back every step of the way, so do you think I really need those curlers?  How about the makeup, jewelry, laptop and Iphone?

I know this journey is about trusting and letting go.  I think I do pretty well with that most of the time but as I think about what to bring "just in case" I'm reminded of how much more I need to surrender and allow life to unfold.  

Preparation is important and I do subscribe to the saying "Expect the best, plan for the worst."  But maybe in this case the planning for the worst has more to do with preparing myself spiritually for the journey and to trust that whatever happens, I'll handle it.  And to be reminded that I'm not alone!

I invite you along on this journey as I share this blog of my adventure and gain insights along the way.  Thanks for reading; appreciate your comments.


  1. Looking forward to reading about your preparation. training and the actual trip! Also sharing on the spiritual journey.
    PS...Like the John Denver reference...All my bags are packed...Leaving on a Jet Plane

  2. Thanks Kathy, and "Leaving on a Jet Plane" will probably be another heading as i get closer to the trip! :~)

  3. I can relate Claire to your preparation and letting go at the same time. We do what we can to prepare and let go of the rest. I think the Camino shows us what we're still holding onto.

    I'm glad you started this site and I'm looking forward to following your steps and thoughts along the way. :-)
